
We’re Keeping an Eye on the Storm

As Hurricane Milton approaches Florida, our team at MD Now is monitoring the storm closely. Our patients and staff are important to us, and clinics will remain open for as long as conditions are safe. To stay up-to-date on clinic hours of operation and the re-opening of our clinics, please check our individual clinic pages for details.

While clinics are closed, we will be offering Virtual Visits. Click here for hours of operation or to schedule a Virtual Visit.

We hope that everyone stays safe.

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Cuts and Lacerations

Stay Safe This Season: Summer Injury Prevention Tips

Summer is a time for celebrating. This often means spending more time outdoors, enjoying cookouts, and participating in sports or other physical activities. The downside of summer is the increased risk of injury. Getting smart about summer injury prevention will help keep you safe this season. Summer Injury Prevention: What Are the Dangers? The Heat The warm sunshine is one of the best parts of summer… Read More

A family is enjoying grilling kebabs together on the beach as the sun begins to set.

$500 a Stitch? Lacerations Costly in Hospital ER Setting

Did you scoop up Johnny and head straight for the ER after he cut his hand at the playground? Have a look at today’s MD Now press release to understand what every stitch may have cost you, and how urgent care is less expensive than that last trip to the ER. According to a 2013 New York Times article, emergency rooms have become one of the biggest cash cows for hospitals. Not surprisingly, people who blindly speed… Read More

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MD Now Closing Wounds and Stitching the Gap in Soaring Healthcare Costs

MD Now Urgent Care Closing Wounds and Stitching the Gap in Soaring Hospital Healthcare Costs MD Now Urgent Care – a leading provider of urgent care services in Florida remains at the forefront of affordable urgent care. According to a December 2, 2013 New York Times article, emergency rooms have become the big moneymakers for most hospitals in the last decade. Minor lacerations are one area where urgent care… Read More

MD Now Urgent Care Treatment for Cuts: Staples, Sutures, Strips and Sterile Glue

If a miniature Evil Knievel lives in your house, you’re likely already on a first-name basis with local MD Now Urgent Care physicians. But if you haven’t had any recent first-hand encounters with sharp objects, you may not know that options for closing wounds have moved far beyond traditional needle and thread. Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of today’s wound closure methods can provide peace of… Read More


We’re Keeping an Eye on the Storm

As Hurricane Milton approaches Florida, our team at MD Now is monitoring the storm closely. Our patients and staff are important to us, and clinics will remain open for as long as conditions are safe. To stay up-to-date on clinic hours of operation and the re-opening of our clinics, please check our individual clinic pages for details.

While clinics are closed, we will be offering Virtual Visits. Click here for hours of operation or to schedule a Virtual Visit.

We hope that everyone stays safe.

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