Happy Labor Day

All MD Now urgent care locations will be open on Labor Day
from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Have a safe holiday!

General Health

Should I Consider Getting a Flu Shot This Season?

Are you wondering if you should get a Seasonal Flu shot this year? With so much discussion around the different variants of COVID-19, many people are asking MD Now if they should bother with a flu shot this year. Since both viruses spread through airborne exposure and can lead to serious illness or even death, in some cases, we believe getting a flu shot is always a good idea. Yearly Protection: How Do Flu… Read More

Woman getting a flu shot at MDNow

Flu Symptoms vs COVID-19: How to Spot the Difference

The rise and spread of the delta variant have made this summer challenging for us all. Health experts are bracing for the worst as we approach the cold winter months. Delta variant symptoms can align with flu symptoms. Learning how to recognize the differences between these illnesses will go a long way toward managing the pandemic. Flu Symptoms vs Covid: What Should You Be Looking For? The two contagious… Read More

Young woman feeling symptoms of an illness

Stay Safe This Season: Summer Injury Prevention Tips

Summer is a time for celebrating. This often means spending more time outdoors, enjoying cookouts, and participating in sports or other physical activities. The downside of summer is the increased risk of injury. Getting smart about summer injury prevention will help keep you safe this season. Summer Injury Prevention: What Are the Dangers? The Heat The warm sunshine is one of the best parts of summer… Read More

A family is enjoying grilling kebabs together on the beach as the sun begins to set.

It’s Men’s Health Month…Be Proactive…Know NOW!

June is National Men's Health Awareness Month. It is dedicated to spreading awareness of the preventable health issues men often face such as diseases of the heart, liver, and thyroid. Many of these illnesses are avoidable through the utilization of preventive health services, early detection, and treatment. Statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show men are more likely to die from… Read More

Mature man playing tennis hitting the ball closeup

Happy Labor Day

All MD Now urgent care locations will be open on Labor Day
from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Have a safe holiday!