Happy Labor Day

All MD Now urgent care locations will be open on Labor Day
from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Have a safe holiday!

In The News

American Heart Association Report Finds Nearly Half of Americans have Cardiovascular Disease

A new report from the American Heart Association, published in their annual Circulation journal, has found that in 2016 at least 48 percent of all adult Americans had some type of cardiovascular disease (CVD). The statistical analysis also showed that the number of associated deaths from cardiovascular disease grew from 836,546 in 2015 to 840,678 deaths in 2016. Coronary artery disease… Read More

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The Sweet News on Non-Sugar Sweeteners

Some potentially good news for those watching their sugar intake and still want to sweeten up their food and drinks. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recently approved a number of non-sugar sweeteners for consumption. Over the years, there has been little evidence to support the rumors and fears that non-sugar sweeteners increase cancer risk; although some researchers have speculated that… Read More

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Six Feet, 48 Hours, 10 Days: How to Avoid Flu via The Wall Street Journal

Cases of the flu spiked across the U.S. in December. Even in a mild year, influenza kills as many as 12,000 people in the U.S., even more alarming, a bad year can cause as many as 56,000 deaths. The flu vaccine is the most effective way to prevent yourself from catching or spreading the flu. Right now we are offering free flu shots with no appointment needed when you bring in this coupon or coupon code: COUFF… Read More

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Flu season: To mask or not to mask? That is the question

Flu is upon us and everyone — neighbors, friends, loved ones and that co-worker coughing up a lung in the next cubicle – seems infected. What’s a healthy person to do? Put on one of those germ-proof head-to-toe suits like in the movie Outbreak? Well, if you recall, it didn’t save Kevin Spacey. So in the midst of the worst flu season since the 2009 Swine flu scare, the question for some: To mask or not to… Read More


Happy Labor Day

All MD Now urgent care locations will be open on Labor Day
from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Have a safe holiday!