Happy Labor Day

All MD Now urgent care locations will be open on Labor Day
from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Have a safe holiday!

Urgent Care Blog

Making Health a Family Affair: Nutrition and Exercise Tips for Family Health & Fitness Day

Started in 1996, the goal of Family Health and Fitness Day is to promote physical activity and overall wellness for families. Obesity rates are trending upward for both adults and children, although the rise in rates has slowed in recent years in some states. Creating a healthy home atmosphere helps establish good nutritional and physical habits in children for life. The following fitness and nutrition tips, will… Read More

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Raising Awareness for Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

One in nine men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime. September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month – this important campaign has led to breakthrough research and the lowering of death rates. The empowerment and education for men is imperative to increase awareness of prostate cancer. There are more than 3 million cases of prostate cancer in the U.S. per year. Affecting only males, this cancer… Read More

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Labor Day Weekend Safety Tips

The first Monday in September is dedicated to celebrating the achievements of American workers. Labor Day marks the end of school vacation, and for some, summer itself. While this holiday originated as a national tribute to workers, it has evolved into a long weekend of activities for friends and family to enjoy, together before fall begins. We at MD Now want you to have a relaxing, injury-free Labor Day weekend… Read More

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Valuable Insight on Children’s Eye Health & Safety | MDNow

August is Children's Eye Health and Safety Month. While making sure your child has healthy vision is important year-round; the back-to-school season is the perfect time to get better acquainted with the illnesses and injuries that can occur during school, or while playing sports. Signs of Vision Trouble  There are some telltale signs that your child may be experiencing vision issues. Carefully monitor your… Read More

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Happy Labor Day

All MD Now urgent care locations will be open on Labor Day
from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Have a safe holiday!