Happy Labor Day

All MD Now urgent care locations will be open on Labor Day
from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Have a safe holiday!

Urgent Care Blog

Important Steps for Avoiding COVID-19 Burnout

When we first began hearing that a novel coronavirus was spreading across the globe, most of us had no idea what was coming. As lockdowns started, however, the reality of the situation began setting in. That was when many of us started experiencing the first hints of COVID-19 burnout. Career Crisis: COVID-19 Burnout at Work and Home COVID-19 Burnout at Work Plenty of people have continued working throughout… Read More

5 Reasons for Thanksgiving Day Urgent Care Visits

When it's time to celebrate Thanksgiving, you’re probably thinking about turkey, cranberry sauce, and fun with family—not a trip to the provider. However, Thanksgiving’s festivities sometimes lead to health issues that might require urgent medical attention. Unlike many providers' offices, MD Now Urgent Care centers are open on weekends and holidays, allowing patients to seek relief quickly. While many… Read More

Florida Flu Risk Goes Up as Seasonal Residents Come Down

Every fall, Florida’s flu season arrives with the arrival of Northern residents who escape the cold and snow in their Southern second homes. These Northerners stay in sunny Florida from the fall to the early spring. While they receive a warm welcome from Florida’s year-round residents, few consider that the hundreds of thousands of seasonal residents bring down much more than their T-shirts and may contribute to… Read More

Summer Pool Safety Tips for You and Your Kids

Swimming and water sports are popular summertime activities. Swimming, in fact, is the fourth most popular sports activity in the nation. To avoid water associated risks, however, it’s important to exercise appropriate swimming pool safety. The following pool safety tips will help protect your family against injury and illness, so you can enjoy a worry-free summer. Pool Safety Tips for Preventing Injuries  By… Read More


Happy Labor Day

All MD Now urgent care locations will be open on Labor Day
from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Have a safe holiday!