Happy Labor Day

All MD Now urgent care locations will be open on Labor Day
from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Have a safe holiday!

Dive into How to Treat Jellyfish Sting Injuries

Great weather calls for days of play splashing in the sea, but many people end up in deep trouble when they become the victim of a jellyfish sting. This happens to many people, yet few know the correct jellyfish sting remedy and how to treat the trouble. Jellyfish have tentacles that are covered with little stingers. If these tentacles come into contact with your skin, they’ll inject a poisonous venom that results in painful, red blisters and possible life-threatening allergic reactions.

MD Now doesn’t want you to let the fear of jellyfish scare you away from the sea. You simply need to know the proper jellyfish sting cure. Once you know how to treat jellyfish sting problems, you’ll be able to wade through the waves and take the sting out of a jellyfish sting.

Step 1: Pull the Person Out of the Water

To find the location of the sting and provide the proper jellyfish sting cure, the sufferer needs to be promptly pulled out of the water. If they’re showing signs of an allergic reaction or the sting is severe and covers more than half of their arm or leg, call 911 or take the person to the nearest MD Now Urgent Care location where they can be prescribed the proper treatment. But if the jellyfish sting is a mild sting and there’s no allergic reaction, proceed with the following steps.

Step 2: Take Off the Tentacles

If the sting is only minor, try to remove the tentacles stuck on the skin by scraping them off with a plastic object or neutralize them by rinsing the skin with seawater. If the sting occurs from a Portuguese man-of-war, immerse the affected area in hot water for at least twenty minutes. If the sting comes from a box jellyfish, seek medical attention because an anti-venom product must be taken immediately for the greatest effectiveness.

Step 3: Soothe the Stinging Sensation

The next step in the jellyfish sting remedy is taking the pain out of the sting. You can relieve severe pain, itching, and swelling by applying a mild hydrocortisone cream to the affected area or taking an oral antihistamine. For a less-severe jellyfish sting, place ice packs over the affected area or take an over-the-counter pain reliever.

Step 4: Caring After Curing

Once you’ve soothed the discomfort with the proper jellyfish sting cure, completely clean any open sores three times a day. After each cleansing, apply an antibiotic ointment and bandage if necessary.

Now that you know how to treat jellyfish sting injuries and know that MD Now is ready, willing, and able to help with jellyfish stings every day of the week, you can be carefree and confident about spending your leisure time in the sand and sea.


Happy Labor Day

All MD Now urgent care locations will be open on Labor Day
from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Have a safe holiday!