
We’re Keeping an Eye on the Storm

As Hurricane Milton approaches Florida, our team at MD Now is monitoring the storm closely. Our patients and staff are important to us, and clinics will remain open for as long as conditions are safe. To stay up-to-date on clinic hours of operation and the re-opening of our clinics, please check our individual clinic pages for details.

While clinics are closed, we will be offering Virtual Visits. Click here for hours of operation or to schedule a Virtual Visit.

We hope that everyone stays safe.

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A woman blows her nose into a tissue.

Is it Asthma, Allergies, or COVID-19?

There are many positives to living in Florida from the beaches to the warm sunshine. A downside of great weather, however, is a longer allergy season. Exposure to allergens can be a major trigger for asthma patients. Asthma and COVID-19 often present similar symptoms early on. Therefore, proper COVID-19 testing is paramount.

Asthma and Allergies in Florida: When Is Allergy Season?

Most people associate seasonal allergies with springtime. And, while it is true this is the most common time for allergies, different allergens also arrive during summer and fall. Depending on what you’re allergic to, you could experience symptoms any time of the year.

Another factor affecting the allergy season is climate change. Reports show that allergy season is now starting about 20 days earlier than it did back in 1990. Pollen counts are also 20 percent higher.

Seasonal Allergies and COVID: How Can You Tell the Difference?

For over a year now, we’ve been hearing that a dry cough is often the first symptom of COVID-19. This makes developing a mild cough more frightening than it used to be. Seasonal allergies and COVID share some of the same symptoms. This can sometimes cause people to panic and assume they have the virus when they don’t.

Knowing how to tell the difference between allergies and COVID-19 can help.

COVID-19 and Allergies

One of the obvious signs you are dealing with a virus rather than an allergy is a fever. Allergies will not cause a fever. Allergies are also unlikely to cause the nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and muscle aches associated with COVID-19. Many of the other symptoms, such as sore throat, tiredness, and runny nose, can result from either allergies or illness.

Some symptoms of allergies are unlikely with COVID-19. These include itchy eyes, nose, and ears. If you’re experiencing these symptoms, it’s likely you’re just suffering from allergies.

Asthma and COVID 19

Asthma is another common condition that shares some symptoms with COVID-19. Similar symptoms include dry cough, shortness of breath, and wheezing. As an asthma sufferer, you may wonder whether you are experiencing your usual symptoms or the first signs of COVID-19. Remaining in the dark about this could be quite scary, but remember, asthma will never cause a fever. If you’re worried, taking your temperature may ease your mind. You can always get a COVID-19 test to be sure.

COVID-19 and Other Viral Illnesses

It’s important to note that having a fever doesn’t mean you have COVID-19. Other viral diseases can sometimes cause fever as well. If you have a fever, the best thing you can do is immediately head to an MD Now location for PCR testing and medical advice.

Treating and Preventing Asthma and Allergies: Help from MD Now

If you’re unsure whether your symptoms are from asthma and allergies or COVID-19, head to an MD Now location. Even if you’re quite sure it’s allergies, confirming this will bring you peace of mind and help protect your loved ones in that case that it is COVID-19.

If we determine asthma or allergies are causing your symptoms, we will provide treatment.

Seasonal Allergies Treatment

We treat seasonal allergies by prescribing medication or recommending over-the-counter options. Thankfully, seasonal allergies treatment is relatively easy. In general, symptoms usually only last a few weeks and reduce as the allergen levels drop.

To prevent seasonal allergies, we recommend:

  • Checking the local weather station to learn about allergen counts.
  • Remaining indoors on days with high counts or a lot of wind.
  • Removing clothing and showering immediately after returning home.
  • Using a dryer rather than hanging laundry outside.
  • Closing doors and windows whenever allergen counts are high.
  • Running the air conditioner with filters designed to stop allergens.

Asthma Treatment

Asthma is usually managed with medication delivered via an inhaler. Sometimes, doctors also prescribe other medications, such as oral steroids. We may recommend allergy-induced asthma treatment if we determine allergens, are a trigger. Examples of allergy-induced asthma treatment include antihistamines, inhalers, and other medications.

MD Now is here to help with all of your allergy, asthma and COVID-19 needs. Appointments aren’t necessary. Stop in and see us today! For more information about COVID-19, asthma, or seasonal allergies treatment, please contact us.


We’re Keeping an Eye on the Storm

As Hurricane Milton approaches Florida, our team at MD Now is monitoring the storm closely. Our patients and staff are important to us, and clinics will remain open for as long as conditions are safe. To stay up-to-date on clinic hours of operation and the re-opening of our clinics, please check our individual clinic pages for details.

While clinics are closed, we will be offering Virtual Visits. Click here for hours of operation or to schedule a Virtual Visit.

We hope that everyone stays safe.

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